
Before you run a full example, it would be to your benefit to install the following:

  • Nvidia CUDA on machines with GPUs to enable faster training. Installation instructions here

  • Tensorboard for training visualization. Install by running pip install tensorboard

This tuturial will make use of a Conda environment as the preferred package manager. Installation instructions can be found here

After installing Conda, create and activate an environment, and install all dependencies within that environment:

$ conda create -n rl-codebase python=3.6
$ conda activate rl-codebase
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

To run locally, we will train DQN on the Carpole-v1 Gym environment:

$ # start training
$ python train.py --sys local --hparams dqn_cartpole --output_dir /tmp/rl-testing
$ # run tensorboard
$ tensorboard --logdir /tmp/rl-testing
$ # test agent
$ python train.py --sys local --hparams dqn_cartpole --output_dir /tmp/rl-testing --training False --render True