

Vast reinforcement learning (RL) research groups, such as DeepMind and OpenAI, have their internal (private) reinforcement learning codebases, which enable quick prototyping and comparing of ideas to many SOTA methods. We argue the five fundamental properties of a sophisticated research codebase are; modularity, reproducibility, many RL algorithms pre-implemented, speed and ease of running on different hardware/ integration with visualization packages. Currently, there does not exist any RL codebase, to the author’s knowledge, which contains all the five properties, particularly with TensorBoard logging and abstracting away cloud hardware such as TPU’s from the user. The codebase aims to help distil the best research practices into the community as well as ease the entry access and accelerate the pace of the field.

Introduction: for-ai/rl

Further to the core ideas mentioned in the beginning, a good research codebase should enable good development practices such as continually checkpointing the model’s parameters as well as instantly restoring them to the latest checkpoint when available. Moreover, it should be composed of simple, interchangeable building blocks, making it easy to understand and to prototype new research ideas.

We will first introduce the framework for this project, and then we will detail significant components. Lastly, we will discuss how to get started with training an agent under this framework.

This codebase allows training RL agents by a training script as simple as the below for loop.

$ for epoch in range(epochs):
$ state = env.reset()
        $ for step in range(max_episode_steps):
        $ last_state = state
        $ action = agent.act(state)
        $ state, reward, done = env.step(action)
        $ agent.observe(last_state, action, reward, state)
        $ agent.update()

To accomplish this, we chose to modularise the codebase in the hierarchy shown below.

$ rl_codebase
$ |- train.py
$ |---> memory
$ |   |- registry.py
$ |---> hparams
$ |   |- registry.py
$ |---> envs
$ |   |- registry.py
$ |---> models
$ |   |- registry.py
$ |---> agents
$ |   |- registry.py
$ |   |---> algos
$ |   |   |- registry.py
$ |   |   |---> act_select
$ |   |   |   |- registry.py
$ |   |   |---> grad_comp
$ |   |   |   |- registry.py

Our modularisation enables simple and easy-to-read implementation of each component, such as the Agent, Algo and Environment class, as shown below.

$ class Agent:
        $ self.model: Model
        $ self.algo: Algo

        $ def observe(last_state, action, reward, new_state)
        $ def act(state) -> action
        $ def update()

$ class Algo(Agent):
        $ def select_action(distribution) -> action
        $ def compute_gradients(trajectory, parameters) -> gradients

$ class Environment:
        $ def reset() -> state
        $ def step(action) -> state, reward, done

The codebase includes agents like Deep Q Network [MKS+13], Noisy DQN [PHD+17], Vanilla Policy Gradient [SMSM00], Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient [SLH+14] and Proximal Policy Optimization [SWD+17]. The project also includes simple random sampling and proportional prioritized experience replay approaches, support for Discrete and Box environments, option to render environment replay and record the replay in a video. The project also gives the possibility to conduct model-free asynchronous training, setting hyperparameters for your algorithm of choice, modularized action and gradient update functions and option to show your training logs in a TensorBoard summary.

In order to run an experiment, run:

python train.py --sys ... --hparams ... --output_dir ....

Ideally, “train.py” should never need to be modified for any of the typical single agent environments. It covers the logging of reward, checkpointing, loading, rendering environment/ dealing with crashes and saving the experiments hyperparameters, which takes a significant workload off the average reinforcement learning researcher.

Below we summerize the key arguments

“--sys”(str) defines the system chosen to run experiment with;  e.g. “local” for running on the local machine.
“--env”(str) specifies the environment.
“--hparam_override”(str) overrides hyperparameters.
“--train_steps”(int) sets training length.
“--test_episodes”(int) tests episodes.
“--eval_episodes”(int) sets Validation episodes.
“--training"(bool) freeze model weights is set to False.
“--copies”(int) set the number of times to perform multiple versions of training/ testing.
“--render”(bool) turns rendering on/ off.
“--record_video”(bool) records the video with, which outputs a .mp4 of each recorded episode.
“--num_workers"(int) seamlessly brings our synchronous agent into an asynchronous agent.


We have outlined the benefits of using a highly modularised reinforcement learning codebase. The next stages of development for the RL codebase are implementing more SOTA model-free RL techniques (GAE, Rainbow, SAC, IMPALA), introducing model-based approaches, such as World Models [HS18], integrating into an open-sourced experiment managing tool and expanding the codebases compatibility with a broader range of environments, such as Habitat [SKM+19]. We would also like to see automatic hyperparameter optimization techniques to be integrated, such as Bayesian Optimization method which was crucial to the success of some of DeepMinds most considerable reinforcement learning feats [CHW+18].


We would like to thank all other members of For.ai, for useful discussions and feedback.



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